Lebanon Veterinary Clinic

926 Lynn St
Lebanon, MO 65536



Our Doctors


DAVID B. SIKES DVM  and Family


Growing up on our family farm sometimes felt more like a "zoo" with cattle, horses, hogs, exotic game birds and waterfowl, but I can say it was a great childhood and influenced me to become a veterinarian! I completed my B.S. in Animal Science from SMSU (MSU) in Springfield 2004; and was accepted into the University of Missouri College of Veterinary Medicine (DVM 2008). I spent 2 years in Cassville, Mo in production medicine practice followed by 9 years in a small animal exclusive practice that focused on reproduction in Strafford. My heart has always been to be closer to home and be back in a mixed animal practice! I am thrilled to be here and look forward to serving you. 

I am married to my beautiful wife Heather, who has her hands full educating our 4 children. Nathan likes to come to work with me and visit with clients, seeing newborn puppies is a bonus, he also is fantastic at solving Rubik's cubes, Olivia who is my book worm and loves her cat Milo, Abigail is as horse crazy as any girl can be, and Megan who is our miracle; I can't say enough good things about St. Jude's and Le Bonheur Hospital in Memphis! 

Professionally I enjoy all aspects of veterinary medicine but I specialize in complex case management, oral health, general surgery, dentistry and reproductive medicine. 

Barbara Allison DVM

 Barbara Allison DVM:

Hello, I am Dr. Barbara Allison. I grew up on a family farm located in Polk County, Missouri. My family raises multiple breeds of cattle, ranging from Black Angus to Red Limousine. My main responsibilities consist of maintaining the health of the herd and raising orphaned calves, as needed.

I attended Missouri State University for two years prior to early admission to the University of Missouri College of Veterinary Medicine. I graduated in May of 2021 from the College of Veterinary Medicine. While I was in school, I did research on the possible genetics involved in a domestic cat’s survival when infected with Cytauxzoon felis, as disease more commonly known as Bobcat Fever. My areas of interest in veterinary medicine are cow-calf management, oncology, and vector-borne diseases.

I have 2 cats, Mowgli and Bagheera. I adopted Mowgli during my time at Missouri State University. He loves to play fetch and goes on as many walks as possible. I adopted Bagheera during my Shelter Medicine Rotation while in vet school. She is always on the move and looking for a way to pester Mowgli. In my free time, I enjoy spending time on my family’s farm, taking walks with Mowgli, reading, and cooking. I cannot wait to meet all of you, and work with your furry friends and livestock.